device queue中文什么意思

发音:   用"device queue"造句
  • device:    n. 1.设计,计划;方法,手段。 ...
  • queue:    n. 1.发辫,辫子。 2.〔英国〕 ...
  • queue device:    队列设备
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  1. When this occurs , the scsiport driver expects to find the device queue in a busy state
    发生这种情况时, scsiport驱动程式会预期装置伫列处于忙碌状态。
  2. One however probably can combine this data with device queue sizes and average request execution time to get some decent values
  3. If the scsiport driver encounters multiple busy or queue full request completions , it attempts to requeue requests in the logical unit s device queue
  4. When this occurs , the scsiport driver expects to find the device queue in a busy state . download this patch to resolve this problem
    此更新程序解决了windows 2000计算机中的“ scsi端口驱动器”性能问题,并在microsoft知识库文章q276253中讨论了该问题。
  5. One application sends book order messages to a message queue and another application receives these book orders from the message queue and responds to the device queue that the orders have been processed


  1. device program 什么意思
  2. device program language 什么意思
  3. device programmer 什么意思
  4. device programming 什么意思
  5. device proper 什么意思
  6. device queue program 什么意思
  7. device ready 什么意思
  8. device ready not ready 什么意思
  9. device readynot ready 什么意思
  10. device reconfiguration 什么意思


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